Information for authors
«Important Notice»
- All contributed authors excluding invited authors are required to submit a final 2-page paper of their work for publication in the conference proceedings.
- Papers that do not meet the regulations shown below will not be published in the conference proceedings.
- The copyright of the paper must be transferred to JIEP at the time of the final submission.
- Only the papers submitted by due date will be considered for the conference awards.
1. Before you begin
The authors are highly recommended to use the following IEEE format:Download
1) | Final manuscript must fit in two pages, including figures, tables, and photographs. | |
2) | It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) to reproduce figures (or tables) that have previously been published elsewhere. | |
3) | Preparation of IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file Final version of 2-page paper pdf files MUST be IEEE Xplore compliant. It is strongly recommended that you use the IEEE PDF eXpress plus site to convert your Word Document file to the PDF format. PDF files that are not IEEE Xplore compliant will not be included in the Proceedings nor published. |
3.1 | Please go to the IEEE PDF eXpress plus site: |
3.2 | Create an IEEE PDF eXpress account for ICEP 2021 by entering the conference ID: 51988X ●New users should follow the appropriate link to fill in the required information for creating a new account. ●Previous users of IEEE PDF eXpress can use their existing email Address and password. |
3.3 | For each conference paper, click 'Create New Title'. | |
3.4 | Enter identifying text for the paper (Paper Information). | |
3.5 | Upload the required file for generating an IEEE Xplore-compatible pdf. ●Submit your source file in MS Word (.doc) format for conversion to pdf format. ●For additional instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support, please go to |
3.6 | You will receive the IEEE PDF eXpress-generated pdf file through your IEEE PDF express account. Your paper will get a unique ID code as the file name. Download the pdf file and check it carefully. If necessary, revisions of the source file may be submitted repeatedly. |
Information for Poster Presenters
Provide 1-minute abstract talk ppt file.
This is streamed at the beginning of Poster session so that the attendees can catch the essence of each poster and make it easy to go to individual webroom.
Provide poster should fit with wide screen, which is 135.48 cm × 76.2cm.
Poster template: Download
The deadline is APRIL 11th JPN std time.
Poster and abstract talk submission (under construction...)
Instructions for Presenters
As you know ICEP2021 will be carried out full online, so we need to gather the audio and/or video of your presentation. For this:
Live presenters: Create 20-minutes pre-recorded ppt file. This is mainly
for the backup in case of network error, but can be transferred to On-Demand session as well only on the presenter's request.
On-Demand presenters: Create 20-minutes pre-recorded ppt file. Note that the submitted file will be opened at On-Demand session site during the streaming period (May 12-25), so the presenters need to pay high attention to the confidential contents.
Poster presenters: Provide 1-minute abstract talk ppt file. This is streamed at the beginning of Poster session so that the attendees can catch the essence of each poster and make it easy to go to individual webroom.
The important notices are:
- The pre-recorded file should be created in mp4 format.
- The deadline is below.
- Live presenters who requested the movie transfer to On-Demand
session: APRIL 11th JPN std time.
- Live presenters who did NOT request the movie transfer to On-Demand
session: APRIL 25th JPN std time.
- On-demand presenters: APRIL 11th JPN std time.
- Poster presenters: APRIL 11th JPN std time.
For how-to create the pre-recorded ppt files, check: